מעדיציניש קאַנסומאַבאַל
מעדיציניש ינסטראַמאַנץ און ויסריכט
Hunan Chuanfan Import and Export Trade Co., Ltd(hereinafter referred to as "Hunan Chuanfan") is located in Hunan Gaoqiao Grand Market - Export Products Cluster Area, as one of the key parts of China (Hunan) Point Free Trade Zone, the geographical location and enterprise environment is superior. We have been committed to promoting excellent “Made In China” to the world, especially African countries. We are mainly engaged in the import and export business of pharmaceutical products (narcotics, cancer drugs and other drugs), medical supplies, medical equipments, etc.....
דרוקרעכט © הונאַן טשואַנפאַן ימפּאָרט און עקספּאָרט האנדעל קאָו, לטד. כל רעכט רעזערווירט בלאָג